Saturday, 21 June 2008

Literary Understatement

I have finally finished my degree. I believe this calls for a w00t! and possibly a YES! I sat my final exam this morning for my Bachelor of Arts in English Literature. Now I just have to sit back and wait for the results of these final assessments. And possibly give a few people in the right places a nudge here and there to ensure that the university provides the visa authority with a letter of graduation before I (attempt to) leave the country.

Click to enlargeSpeaking of photos (I learned how to segue like that from the GameSpy team), I spent a good deal of today cleaning up my room and sorting out stuff. There are still some boxes to go through in the garage, but I've managed to pool together two boxes of things (mostly clothes) to give to the "op-shop" (second-hand store) and will be storing a few bits and pieces for future retrieval (mostly important documents and past assignments). I already filled up an entire council rubbish bag of things that I'm throwing away and another box with paper to be recycled (like a good, tidy Kiwi).

Click to enlargeThe weight limit prevents me from taking my small handful of books. Perhaps someone will be inspired to start reading a series. Or fifteen...

I will be going up north on Thursday to spend some time with my parents and two youngest siblings. I will also visit my brother before flying back down here for my last two weeks before leaving. Now that my study is out of the way, I feel so relieved!

Gooood ><


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