Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Phone and Schools

It turns out that my phone doesn't have a leaking LCD. However, in order to repair it, Docomo have to send it on somewhere else. I will not have a temporary phone until tomorrow, either, so will have been without a phone for three days.

Yesterday afternoon, I visited the Showa chugakkou (middle school) to meet with the JTE -- Japanese Teacher of English. We discussed lesson plans and my attending a school assembly next Thursday to introduce myself to the students.

I also visited the dentist yesterday and he replaced one of my two caps. It's quite uncomfortable today, but I think that is mostly because they got a bit rough near the end while polishing the new resin cap, so it has made my jaw and gums sore. I need to find out where to get painkillers around here.

Last night, Michael and I cooked okonomiyaki for dinner. We also wrote the dialogue for our intended short film for the upcoming film festival. It has yet to be translated, but we have a fair idea of a number of the Japanese phrases that we will use -- think: offensive and silly. I look forward to filming it!

Today, I have the same deal at the Tokawa chugakkou. I will discuss school resources, the textbooks and work to be covered, and a schedule of school events. The kominkan (Board of Education) have given me a van to drive around in. I will be using it to attend each school that I teach at. The chugakkou are regular, weekly attendances. Michael and I will be going to various shougakkou and the odd kindergarten throughout each month, rotating through most around this area.

Next week, it all starts!

I have paid for my laptop, so now now it's just a matter of time until I get it. I have to wait until next week to have my Internet connected though. I think this is happening on 1st September.

That's all for now. I am going to Kochi on Friday, as is Candice. We are going to sort out our re-entry permits, and I will be translating my Kiwi license at the JAF, in order to apply for my Japanese license. Might as well fit in a bit of kaimono (shopping) while I'm at it.

Well, back to the Internet surfing. ;)


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