Wednesday, 13 August 2008

K-town Express

Not much has been happening around here. I've mostly just kept myself busy with reading Flintlocke, playing around with some forums and posting to my Wowbrief blog, among other intaweb stuffz.

Today, I will be going to K-town to get my alien registration card, hopefully a keitai (cellphone) and will stay there tonight. We have our prefectural orientation tomorrow and Friday, so Candice and I will be getting a train from Kubokawa to Kochi city in the morning. Expect a report of sorts regarding orientation and my time spent in Kochi once I get back -- hopefully with a laptop.

My phone is going to be connected next week, on the 20th. I'm not sure if this includes Internet, but if I get my laptop this weekend, it had better.



Unknown said...

Hey bro hope you got your laptop. mum came to stay at my place with simon tonight so she wanted to say hi to you on your blog here. This morning I had to start work @ 7am and it was just me and the manager because a girl called in sick. I drank 5 lift pluses and still felt boned at the end.

Mum says she loves you and is praying for you. We're all hoping you get a laptop soon so you can come online. Simon says hi, he's a nub though so he's playing pinball.

anyway ttyl

Geckomayhem said...

I haven't got a laptop yet. There is a long story behind it, so read my latest blog entry once I put it up.
